Hanna Afolabi & Shiro Muchiri launch collaboration to connect developers with communities

Art in Architecture has been launched as a pioneering collaboration of developer+ art curator/interior architect, providing strategic support on building trust between development stakeholders and resident communities.

Founder of development consultancy Mood and Space, Black Women in Real Estate and EG Rising Star Hanna Afolabi has joined forces with celebrated art curator and interior architect Shiro Muchiri to pursue their combined passion of utilising art - as an engagement process, temporary or permanent installation - in ensuring development is progressive and inclusive in its approach.

The service will develop and deliver art-based strategies to build and sustain connections with existing local communities - the future custodians of place - stimulating the economic and social value of development.

Hanna and Shiro's combined experience in real estate gives them a unique insight into the practical, logistical and emotive challenges that exist.

Working with developers, local authorities and stakeholders, their approach will respond specifically to place and ensure that local engagement is targeted, informative and positive.

Art in Architecture has featured on BBC Radio London and BAME in Property, and will host an event discussing art's role in placemaking with Argent, General Projects and Poplar HARCA as part of London Festival of Architecture in June.

Hanna Afolabi
hanna@moodandspace.co.uk https://www.moodandspace.co.uk/art-in-architecture www.bwre.org

"Real Estate, as an industry, is far reaching and touches the lives of every type of person. The industry needs innovative solutions to solve problems in the built environment, this requires diverse voices, views and people in the decision-making process."

Shiro Muchiri
shiro@soshiro.co https://soshiro.co/pages/art-in-architecture

"Art in Architecture challenges the assumption that community engagement plays a negative role in development. Inclusive art commissioning is a powerful tool in creating social and economic value when it supports meaningful connections between people and place."